Our head office is embellished with contemporary Art Objects Showroom Badii that welcome our guests and accompany them along the path between the floors of the building. Works that through symbols and allegories tell our world, our history and our values.
The first work, of Art Objects Showroom Badii, is encountered immediately, as soon as you cross the entrance to our headquarters, on whose facade stands this majestic iron sculpture about 6 meters high, the work of Veronica Tamburella, entitled “Tarots, the fashion chain”.
Through four figures from the arcana of the tarot, the work tells by analogy the path of the fashion chain, from the initial idea to its diffusion on the market.
The journey begins from the bottom up:
at the beginning of everything there is the idea, symbolized by the arcane 11 “the Strength“, which represents the creative power at the base of the path (the fashion that comes from an intuition)
it continues with industry, symbolized by the arcane “the Cart“, the guide of the energies, or rather the necessary dimension for the unstoppable motion of the expansion of an initial idea that needs a structure in order for it to find realization (from initial intuition to production)
subsequently we find the arcane “the Fool” which symbolizes the intermediation, which represents the free energy that the idea needs to manifest itself, in other words the diffusion channels of fashion
and finally we come to “the Sun“, the arcane that represents the consumer, symbol of diffusion and reciprocity, therefore of the market in which the path of the initial idea ends, which has been realised, disseminated and consumed.
Walking down the stairs leading from the offices to the showrooms, you come across seven paintings created by the artist Veronica Tamburella with the multi-material high-relief technique which represent, in order:
1st floor Giano
2nd floor Hypnos and Dionysus
3rd Aphrodite and Prometheus
4th the Muses
5th the Sphinx
Dio dal doppio volto, simbolo dell’entrata e dell’uscita, guardiano delle entrate e delle uscite, guarda al futuro e al passato, protegge ambiguo ogni soglia.
God with a double face, symbol of entrance and exit, guardian of entrances and exits, looks to the future and the past, protects every threshold ambiguous.
Personification of sleep and dream, he joins the two worlds where creation reaches the limit of hypnosis.
Personificazione del sonno e del sogno, congiunge i due mondi dove la creazione raggiunge la possibilità nel limite dell’ipnosi.
Dio dell’ebrezza e dell’estasi, danza con l’uomo sulla soglia dell’ispirazione
God of intoxication and ecstasy, dances with man on the threshold of inspiration
Goddess of love and of what is in the spirit, as well as in the flesh, moves desire and passion.
Dea dell’amore e di ciò che è nello spirito, così come nella carne, muove il desiderio e la passione.
Simboleggia la fede nell’umanità. Col dono della profezia, porta la “scintilla” all’uomo che arde.
It symbolizes faith in humanity. With the gift of prophecy, he brings the “spark” to the burning man.
They embody grace, beauty, arts and sciences. They preside over the inspiration of the soul whispering the harmony of the points between which man is constituted.
Incarnano grazia, bellezza, arti e scienze. Presiedono l’ispirazione dell’animo sussurrando l’armonia dei punti tra i quali l’uomo si costituisce.
Depositaria dei misteri, è il simbolo dell’eterna domanda sulla Natura dell’esistenza dell’uomo e sulla via alla quale questa conduca.
The Sphinx
Depositary of mysteries, she is the symbol of the eternal question about the nature of human existence and the way to which it leads.
Outside our headquarters, the Peruvian artist Carlos Atoche created the mural entitled “La Nike”, reworking the image by virtue of its location
On the third floor of our headquarters building, 5 mosaics by Claudia Tedeschi, professor at the Brera Academy, are exhibited, which tell of fashion over the centuries through five icons of femininity
Primo secolo avanti Cristo
First century BC
Allegory of the mosaic of Piazza Armerina (Enna), third century after Christ, as the first example of a woman in a bikini in the history of art
Allegoria del mosaico di Piazza Armerina (Enna), terzo secolo dopo Cristo, quale primo esempio di una donna in bikini nella storia dell’arte
Botticelli, XV secolo
Botticelli, 15th century
The Countess of Castiglione
Nineteenth century
XIX secolo
XX Secolo
20th century